- A map of Cricket in the USA

How to use CricMap

Use the filter icon in the top left to filter by International, Professional, Club level, Village level, and Makeshift cricket grounds.

Scroll to the bottom of the sidebar to switch to Satellite view and inspect the grounds for yourself.

What is CricMap?

CricMap is an attempt to catalogue all the cricket grounds in the United States.

You can learn more about cricket (the world's second most popular sport) here: USA Cricket

There is no partnership between this site and any venue or organization listed on the map. Any retailers listed have not been vetted or vouched for. 

USA Cricket (the sport's current governing body in the United States) should do a better job at unifying the various forms and leagues of recreational cricket that are currently played. Gaining visibility on the state of cricket in the USA is one step.


International Level

Minor League / Major League Cricket levels

Club Level - roughly to the level of an ECB Premier League club

Village level - a quality ground that doesn't quite meet club standards

Makeshift - judgment call, any combination of the following:

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